Fabric 101: Apply to share the scoop on your latest make …  


Since we published Parts 1 & 2 of Fabric 101 from Carrie and Stacie  a couple of weeks ago, we’ve had lots of interest and ideas for further features and reviews, so we thought we’d answer some FAQ’s and add some handy guidelines to help with your write up.

Q: Which fabric should I review?
A: ANYTHING! From cotton to denim, felt to linen, fleece to crepe and everything in between. It doesn’t matter if the fabric has already been reviewed – it is great to hear experiences from different sewers undertaking different projects.

Q: Can I review something I bought AGES ago, or does it have to be something new?
A: It doesn’t matter when you bought your fabric or how long ago you completed your project, you can still submit a review. In an ideal world we would love to still have the fabric in stock (or a similar product) but its certainly no deal-breaker.

Q: Do I have to buy the fabric from you or will you send it for free?
A: We want your absolute honest opinions when it comes to reviewing fabric, and we wouldn’t wish anyone to feel obliged to paint a pretty picture just because they received a freebie. More info below on how we express our gratitude to those who review fabrics.

Q: Will I get paid for my review?
A: Not in cash, sadly. BUT for every review published we will create a coupon code that entitles you to 20% off plus free shipping when ordering from our website or a secret handshake when shopping in store. These little nuggets will be valid for one month and can be used as many times as your heart desires.

Q: Can I advertise my blog or brand when writing a review?
A: YES! We actively encourage this! We will share as much as we can (or as much as you’d like us to) on Facebook, Instagram and on our website.

There are so many different types of fabrics, and if you’re just starting out on your sewing journey it can be daunting to know how to choose the right cloth for you project and even if you have a little more experience under your belt, its still nice to pick up some tips or read about a fabric that you might not have considered using before.
As fabric sellers, our knowledge of the weight/composition/handle/drape can give you a small amount guidance, so we would love for these reviews to really shed some light on what these fabrics are really like to work with: how do they wash, how do they sew, do they wear well? Do you have any tips and tricks to share on cutting out, pinning, ironing? Or did you find a certain sized needle was best to use?
We would also love to know a little bit about YOU – introduce yourself, and let us know what you love about sewing … how did you get into it? Tell us a little bit about your project or garment and why you chose the fabric that you’re reviewing.
There is no word count, no formal layout – just your honest opinion along with some clear images. If you have any photographs that you took along the way, then thats a bonus – otherwise we’d love clear shots of your finished project. Close ups of any details would be great too.

Is this your cup of tea? Then just pop your review and images over to us at info@1stforfabrics.co.uk

Any questions, thoughts, worries or musings – feel free to leave us a comment, drop us a line on Facebook or email us at info@1stforfabrics.co.uk

We look forward to hearing from you!